Fort Huachuca, AZ Dish Room

Renovation of Fort Huachuca Dish Room includes replacement of existing dishwasher with Champion EUCCW6 20’ flight type continuous belt dishwasher, addition of Biline Accumulator with rack conveyor designed to maximum accumulation of ware before the rack is loaded into dishwasher and replacement of existing pulper with Champion Pulper configured for soiled table trough and accept waste while recycling the water to the trough P5-24

resized-20200211-095329.jpg Pre Existing Dishwasher
resized-20200211-095620.jpg Pre Existing Dishwasher
resized-20200211-095444.jpg Pre Existing Tray Accumulator 
resized-20200211-095512.jpg Pre Existing Pulper
20200908-081615.jpg New Champion EUCC6 20' Flight Type Continuous Belt Dishwasher
 champion-euccw6-fort-huachuca1.jpg New Champion EUCC6 20' Flight Type Continuous Belt Dishwasher
 biline-accumulator-3.jpg New Bi-Line Tray Accumulator
 champion-pulper.jpg New Champion P5-24 Pulper
 biline-tray-intake.jpg New Tray Intake custom fit to existing window